The new Google bar accross all Google properties

Posted on 30 Nov 2011 in News, Web | Comments Off

Google will soon remove the black Google bar for this new bar with rollover activation.

Anti smoking video ad by Hungryman UK

Posted on 30 Nov 2011 in Viral Video | Comments Off

Did you know that smoking ages you by 19 years?

Advertiser: NHS
Agency: Hungryman UK

How to find a job thanks to Facebook infographic

Posted on 30 Nov 2011 in Facebook, Infographic, Linkedin, Social Media, Twitter, Web | Comments Off

Did you now that more than 18 millions people have found a job thanks to Facebook and more than 10 millions thanks to Linkedin and 8 millions thanks to Twitter? Social media work when it comes to job research as you can see in this infographic!

How to find a job thanks to Facebook infographic

4D building projection in London for Nokia Lumia

Posted on 30 Nov 2011 in Advertising, Ambient Media, Outdoor | Comments Off

Amazing 4D projection on a building in London for the launch of the new smartphone Nokia Lumia

Advertiser: Nokia

WordAds: the WordPress ad network

Posted on 29 Nov 2011 in Blogging, Monetisation, Web | Comments Off

wordads logo

federated media logo

WordPress is willing to rival Google Adsense by offering a new way to monetise the WordPress

powered blogs. It’s now official and it’s named WordAds.
Everyday 50,000 new blogs are being created with WordPress and it’s obviously a massive opportunity for WordPress to monetise them.
They are announcing a partnership with Federated Media for the launch of WordAds.
If you want to add WordAds on your WordPress blogs or websites, you just need to apply to WordAds

with this form.