How to activate Facebook timeline for your fanpage

Posted on 29 Feb 2012 in Facebook, Social Media | Comments Off

You can now activate the timeline for your facebook fanpage.

Follow this simple tutorial to activate your facebook fanpage timeline.

1/ Visit your fanpage and click on Preview

2/ Click o Publish Now.

3/ Enjoy the result.

4/ Stats are now public

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The Artistifier: turn any youtube video into The Artist style

Posted on 29 Feb 2012 in News, Web | Comments Off

Following the success of the movie The Artist with Jean Dujardin during the Oscar awards, a website named The Artistifier has been released. It allows you to turn any youtube video into a The Artist style movie. Simple but effecient.

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How it feels to have Alzheimer in a movie theater

Posted on 29 Feb 2012 in Advertising, Ambient Media | Comments Off

Very interesting and clever experience to make you feel like having Alzheimer.

Advertiser: Israeli Alzheimer Association
Agency: Adler Chomsky Grey, Tel Aviv

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Breaking the Carlsberg bottle for Stadium blessing

Posted on 29 Feb 2012 in Viral Video | Comments Off

Carlsberg can be considered as the Champagne of beer!

Advertiser: Carlsberg

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How to get the best of Google search infographic

Posted on 24 Feb 2012 in Infographic, Web | Comments Off

All the tips to use at its best Google search engine!

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