Shemale + girl + tampon in a nightclub bathroom video

Posted on 6 Jan 2012 in Viral Video | Comments Off

This is a very surprising campaign for a Tampon brand starring a shemale!

Advertiser: Libra Tampons

Recology: what’s matter is what you save not what you throw away

Posted on 3 Jan 2012 in Viral Video | Comments Off

A green concept with Recology that wnts to make San Fransisco the greenest city.

Advertiser: Recology
Agency: Brainchild Creative

Why you need to be an organ donor

Posted on 30 Dec 2011 in Viral Video | Comments Off

If you’re not an organ donor when you die, you takee someone else with you.

Advertiser: Organ Donor Foundation

Top 10 viral videos of the year 2011 by goviral

Posted on 29 Dec 2011 in Top, Viral Video, Web | Comments Off

goviral has compiled the top 10 viral videos of the year 2011

1.      The Force Volkswagen

2.      Ape With AK-47

3.      Carlsberg stunts with bikers in cinema

4.      DnB NOR Clooney ad

5.      T-Mobile parking ticket

6.      Contrex – Ma Contrexpérience – 97s

7.      Party Rock Anthem-Kia Soul Hamster Commercial

8.      Jennifer Aniston goes viral for smart water

9.      Team Hot Wheels – The Yellow Driver’s World Record Jump

10.   Old Spice – Scent vacation

Penspinner champion video by Samsung

Posted on 28 Dec 2011 in Viral Video | Comments Off

This guy is achieving amazing tricks with his pen for the launch of the Samsung Galaxy Note!

Advertiser: Samsung
Agency: Heaven

Tanjore art with Google India video

Posted on 28 Dec 2011 in Viral Video | Comments Off

Google has been inspired by this true story of Rajendran, an artist from India who has used Google ads to bring back to life an art named Tanjore.

Advertiser: Google