Sexy underwear factory with JBS

Posted on 14 Nov 2011 in Viral Video | Comments Off

This is probably the sexiest factory ever, with plenty of babes working really hard to produce the best mens underwear.

Advertiser: JBS

Hypnotist that stops the time for a Nescafé coffee break

Posted on 11 Nov 2011 in Viral Video | Comments Off

Very romantic campaign for Nescafé with the hypnotist

Advertiser: Nescafé
Agency: Twofifteenmccann

Vega 4G LTE: the first wave screen smartphone

Posted on 10 Nov 2011 in Geek, Hi-Tech, Viral Video | Comments Off

The Vega 4G LTE smartphone has the best feature ever that allows you to answer calls without touching the screen. You just need to wave your hand over the phone! This smartphone is only available in South Korea for the moment!

Advertiser: Pantech’s Sky Vega 4G LTE

Hedgehog’s god is Volkswagen

Posted on 8 Nov 2011 in Viral Video | Comments Off

Do you know why the hedgehogs venerate the Volkswagen’s brand?

Advertiser: Volkswagen

How a geek can get girls?

Posted on 8 Nov 2011 in Viral Video | Comments Off

A very cool video from a web serie named #aGeeksGuide

Here are 3 more episodes:

Advertiser: Sony

Agency: Point-Barre

The Xbox Kinect effect in video

Posted on 8 Nov 2011 in Viral Video | Comments Off

Very nice video for the Xbox Kinect by Microsoft.

Advertiser: Xbox
Agency: Twofifteenmccann