Vytautas violent mineral water video

Posted on 15 Mar 2012 in Viral Video | Comments Off

A very violent and impactful commercial for a Lithuanian mineral water.

Advertiser: Vytautas

Online Hypnosis Experiment by Hyundai

Posted on 15 Mar 2012 in Viral Video | Comments Off

Peter Powers is conducting a very interesting Hypnosis Experimentwith 3 young women.

He is going to hypnotise them and ask them to do some crazy things with the Hyundai i30.

Check the website for more info

Advertiser: Hyundai i30

Miami Plastic Surgery video contest offering a nose job

Posted on 14 Mar 2012 in Viral Video | Comments Off

Sounds crazy but Plastic Surgery is so common in Miami that Bal Harbour Surgery is giving away a nose job!

Advertiser: balharboursurgery.com

Sasha Grey the pornstar for equal payday video

Posted on 12 Mar 2012 in Viral Video | Comments Off

Porn is the only way for a woman to earn more than a man.

Advertiser: Equal Payday

Dr Cyclops Touch the rainbow video by Skittles

Posted on 10 Mar 2012 in Viral Video | Comments Off

The new viral video from Skittles with Doctor Cyclops. Put your finger on the screen and enjoy it!

Advertiser: Skittles

The creative ransom to get a job at top advertising agencies

Posted on 9 Mar 2012 in Viral Video | Comments Off

This creative team has found a very good way to get interview with the top Creative Directors.