Richard Branson life in video

Posted on 9 Mar 2012 in Viral Video | Comments Off

Nice summary of Richard Branson’s life for Virgin!

Advertiser: Virgin

Equal pay for women

Posted on 8 Mar 2012 in Viral Video | Comments Off

Getting 17% less than you deserve? Women in Europe experience this everyday, as they face ongoing inequalities and discrimination in the labour market. Visit equalpay for more info.

Advertiser: European Commission

Teenage rape video

Posted on 7 Mar 2012 in Viral Video | Comments Off

If you could see yourself would you rape?

Advertiser: Home Office

Care agency moving to new office

Posted on 6 Mar 2012 in Viral Video | Comments Off

Nice and simple video to announce the new address of Care!

Agency: Care

Keep calm and carry on poster history

Posted on 6 Mar 2012 in Viral Video | Comments Off

If you want to know the origin of the famous poster from the second world war: Keep calm and carry on…

Advertiser: Barter Book
Agency: We are Nation

Cartier Odyssey video short film

Posted on 2 Mar 2012 in Viral Video | Comments Off

Amazing short film from the luxury brand Cartier: Cartier Odyssey.

Advertiser: Cartier