Joeybra: iPhone pocket for girl’s bra

Posted on 30 Apr 2012 in Geek | Comments Off

Joeybra is the first bra pocket for your iPhone!

Leave a comment if you want one!




Advertiser: Joeybra

Likeapella the Facebook song to thank fans that liked Kraft Macaroni & Cheese

Posted on 30 Apr 2012 in Facebook, Social Media, Viral Video | Comments Off

Very nice stunt with this Likeapella song!

Advertiser: Kraft Macaroni & Cheese

Agency: Crispin Porter + Bogusky

The four elements by Lamborghini

Posted on 30 Apr 2012 in Viral Video | Comments Off

Nice ad campaign for a luxury automotive brand.

Advertiser: Lamborghini

Google adsense ad banner for Facebook IPO

Posted on 27 Apr 2012 in Facebook, Social Media | Comments Off

I have jsut seen this Google adsense ad banner on a website:

“Invest in Facebook Now”

This seems very weird as facebook is not supposed to advertise to encourage people to buy their stocks…

When I clicked on the banner I’ve been redirected to the landing page below telling a “Secret Way to Invest in Facebook Before it Goes Public”…


It’s very surprising this kind of dodgy ads are allowed on Google…


Google Zerg Rush and discover the new easter egg

Posted on 27 Apr 2012 in News, Web | Comments Off

If you search for Zerg Rush on Google, this is what you’ll get!