Guinness QR code pinte

Posted on 2 May 2012 in Advertising, Online, Print | Comments Off

Good idea from the beer brand Guinness to print a QR code on the pinte glass!

Advertiser: Guinness

Agency: BBDO, New York

Top FMCG brands portofolio

Posted on 2 May 2012 in Viral Marketing | Comments Off

If you want to have a clear picture of what FMCG brands belong to what group, check this helpful map below.

What do you expect from a disfigured face

Posted on 2 May 2012 in Viral Video | Comments Off

What do you think an ugly face is capable to do?


Facebook organ donor option for your timeline available now

Posted on 1 May 2012 in Facebook, Social Media | Comments Off

Mark Zuckerberg has just announced a new feature on Facebook timeline: Organ Donor.

He says it will save tons of lives. It seems to be a ggood idea!

Pinterest facts & figures infographic

Posted on 1 May 2012 in Infographic, Pinterest, Social Media, Web | Comments Off

All the figures you want to know about Pinterest.