Mature threesome video

Posted on 10 Apr 2012 in Viral Video | Comments Off

Unconventionall ad campaign for an unconventional drink brand.

Advertiser: IRN-BRU

Facebook is buying Instagram for $1 billion

Posted on 9 Apr 2012 in Startup, Web | Comments Off

Exciting day for the popular mobile photo sharing service Instagram! Facebook has just announced they will acquire Instagram for $1 billion in cash and shares.


Magnum online advergame

Posted on 7 Apr 2012 in Advertising, Online | Comments Off

A very cool advergame for Magnum: Pleasure Hunt 2.

Advertiser: Magnum

Most popular Australian written names on bottles of Coca Cola Coke

Posted on 6 Apr 2012 in Advertising, Ambient Media | Comments Off

Very one to one marketing operation for Coca Cola Coke in Autsralia to generate some buzz…

Advertiser: Coca Cola Coke

Top 30 drawings on Draw Something iPhone app

Posted on 6 Apr 2012 in Top, Web | Comments Off

Draw Something is the new phenomenon on iPhone. As I told you earlier, it’s a massive success.

Check what some artists have manage to draw on Draw Something! There is a fake included, will you spot it???

Click on the picture to see the next one.