Google+ user statistics infographic

Posted on 2 Dec 2011 in Google plus, Infographic, Social Media, Web | Comments Off

Do you wnat to know who is using Google+?

Google + user statistics infography

Google plus + ad campaign on Google home page

Posted on 21 Sep 2011 in Advertising, Google plus, Online, Social Media | Comments Off

As far as I know it’s the first time I see an ad on the Google home page.
This ad campaign is for Google+. It’s pretty stylish and efficient.

Google plus + ad campaign on Google home page

Top 110 social media infographics

Posted on 13 Sep 2011 in Blogging, Facebook, Google plus, Infographic, Linkedin, Social Media, Top, Twitter, Web | Comments Off

The best infographics about social media, including Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Google plus, Linkedin and Youtube.

Google plus facts and figures infographic

Posted on 13 Sep 2011 in Google plus, Infographic, Social Media, Web | Comments Off

How many users are males or females?
What was the cost of Google plus to build?
Who are the top 5 users of Google plus? What are the top 10 countries, the top 10 companies, the top 10 occupations on Google plus?

Google plus facts and figures infographic

Top 5 social media websites in 2011 ranked by Time

Posted on 17 Aug 2011 in Google plus, Pinterest, Social Media, Top, Web | Comments Off

This is the top 5 social media websites extracted from the 50 Best Websites of 2011 ranked by Time.

1. Google plus

The Google+ project is a social network that aims to make sharing on the web more like sharing in real life.

Google plus

Google plus

2. Klout

Klout is the social score for people to evaluate their online influence.



3. Pinterest

Pinterest is a virtual pinboard where you can collect the things you love.



4. Quora

Quora is a continually improving collection of questions and answers created, edited, and organized by everyone who uses it.



5. Storify

Storify helps you to create stories using social media. Turn what people post on social media into compelling stories.

